Define Non-Linear Data Structure and it's examples?

What is Non-Linear Data Structure. Define it?

The term Data means Values and Structure means the way it is organized and arranged into mathematical and logical way. So the mathematical and logical model of a particular organisation of data is known as Data Structures. 

Non-Linear Data Structure:-

The Data structure is said to be Non-Linear Data Structures if it's elements do not form a sequence or a linear series but form a hierarchical format.
For Example:- Graph, Tree, Binary Search Tree etc.

What is Graph?

Graph is a data structures which consists of a finite set of ordered pairs called edges . It is set of elements connected by edges. Each elements are called a vertex and node. 

What is Tree?

Tree is a widely used data structure in which elements are attached to one or more elements in a hierarchical order beneath it. The connection between the elements are called Branches.   

What is Binary Tree?

A Binary Tree is a special type of inverted tree in which each element has two branches below it. We can say that each node has at most two child nodes except the root node.

What is B-Tree?

A B-Tree is a tree data structure. It is a generalization of binary search tree in which a node can have more than two children. A B-Tree is designed to minimize the number of disk accesses. 

1 comment:

  1. Simple and very informative. I want to know about AVL tree.
